Hi Team
As a coach I set the plan for clients to help build muscle or lose fat.
I give them the plan,
All I do is ask they read the plan,
Then do the plan.
Once you have completed the plan then you may ask to change things or adapt things.
It is amazing that when advice is given the first response is normally an excuse or reason something can't be done.
Instead, we need to learn to be patient and listen and take the advice and implement it - if it doesn't work - then and only then do you get to have opinion or a reason to give an excuse.
Anything in life including parenting, a new job, gaining muscle or strength losing fat takes
and a lot of listening to those have done things before you.
and you need to SHOW UP, BE CONSISTENT and DO YOUR BEST.
If you can't do that - don't ask for the advice or for a plan - you may not like the answers.
Here is a video from 3 day a week muscle gain with fat loss
Month 4 example workout.
Financial Freedom
If you are a parent like myself, it's time to set your plan to get out of debt and have a stress free financial future.
This is Dave Ramsey explaining his baby steps for financial freedom.
Print this picture off and put it on your fridge

What are you reading?

Life can you you down and so many people are on anti-depressents and taking medication. Well, some are taking alcohol and drugs to feel something more than just depressed.
I get it. Some people have suffered in life and genetics and hormones are different for everybody. But medication isn't always the answer and defiantly isn't the first answer.
I am the only person it seems that hasn't taken anti-depression meditation and yeah, Ive had seasons in my life where I have been depressed and man, since having kids, along with the tiredness I fought hard on that line of falling into a pit of depression.
Thank god for family, friends, solitude and something called exercise.
If go 3 or 4 days with a workout or fitness class or run then I feel the tension in my body.
I just need that 20-30 mins to move my body, be alone with friends or with my thoughts and challenge myself.
anyway, it seems that exercise is better at curing and fighting off depression than medication.
What are you listening to?
This is more of what I am watching, after Reacher finishing I needed a new show.
I love the actor Kevin Costner, he is a guy that I have always looked up to for someone who chooses interesting roles with overall the good driven heart. (something I have always lived up to but I make mistakes...)
... I have been watching Yellowstone, it's a story about a family that own a valley and are trying to keep hold of their land and the traditions of cowboys but are always fighting the "progressive" world.
There is a character named Casey where everything that he does that is actually good something bad comes along as well.
It reminds me of the book 'Henderson the Rain King' and the song 'The Rain King' by Counting Crows.
Both about a guy that tries to do so much but life backfires on him.
Sometimes life can be like that sometimes.
Here is a live version of Rain King - When seeing Counting Crows they intersperse other songs within songs and sometimes they are made up on the fly.
This is a great little version.