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Can you push yourself Beyond The Horizon?

Writer's picture: Whole Happy HealthWhole Happy Health

Hi Team

A few years ago I saw a documentary called "The Motivation Factor" it was a look back the the PE lessons of the 1950s/1960s in the USA following World War One and a statement made by President John F. Kennedy.

"Vigour and Energy" "Mental and Physical Health are important" "All will participate in the life around us" - Not many politicians would release such a statement nowadays.

He speaks about being a fit and healthy parent and having our children take part in exercise so they can be healthy adults. - Not many politicians would release such a statement nowadays.

The Motivation Factor film follows the PE circullum that saw the school students as one of the fittest and healthiest in the country and JFK wanted to take that as the standard for all schools across America.

You can watch it Prime now if you are a member or buy it youtube for around £5 I believe.

I loved this idea and got in contact with the makers of the film and the school that revamped the programme and got a list of all the exercises and what the standards were and created a programme for myself, I called it.

The Horizon.

The aim was to push yourself beyond the horizon so you can see the magic.

With the same concept and having colours and set numbers to reach for each colour, the who ethos is to get to all the numbers in the colour team and then move up to the next colour band.

This is what I wrote in the first pages of the programme.


Since the beginning of time there humans have participated in moving their

bodies. Medical and scientific research all have the same conclusion: Exercise

and physical activity is essential for the development of vitality and a

thriving life.

Over the last 3 decades physical activity has declined, obesity has increased,

and people are feeling more overwhelmed and depressed with their lifestyles.

Physical movement is fundamental in the development in the neuromuscular skills

that are essential for sporting activity, it helps develop confidence,

happiness, leadership and patterns and behaviours that help people deal with

stress and overcome problems that they face in this modern sedentary lifestyle.


What is the meaning of The Horizon? What are trying to achieve? What is the end


What does it mean to push yourself Beyond The Horizon?

This workout programme is about pushing yourself to a new level of fitness no

matter what your current level of fitness is.

The Horizon you can see. This workout programme is pushing yourself beyond what

you are capable of through time, practice, patience and above all determination

and consistency.

What lies beyond the Horizon is a world of possibilities where you will feel

confident, capable and ready for anything the world throws at you."

The great thing about this programme and the inspiration from La Sierra High School is that all can be done with body weight and some workouts with a couple of dumbbells.

I started doing "The Horizon" Programme and covid hit and so ended up doing in my back garden over zoom with friends who got fitter and healthy during the pandemic.

I called out the colours and the numbers to try and hit if someone chose the colour for themselves.


The team colours represent:-

1. A motivating tool for each team member to strive and attain the goals

set for that individual team colour.

2. A set challenge for the team member to do his/her best according to their


3. A sense of community in that the individual is part of a team that they

can rely on and feel a kin to, and push themselves as there is a sense of

personal responsibility to not let their team mates down and push them

selves for the best of the team and ultimately themselves.

4. An ultimate goal to progress to the higher team colour, therefore

motivating the individual to push and challenge themselves to the next

level and therefore the higher team colour where they start at Team

WHITE, to RED to BLUE and then to the highest team colour achievement and

fitness excellence of team BLACK."

I run The Saturday Morning Bootcamps at the Charlbury Community Centre 8am. (see you there!)

Before Christmas I took the team a "The Horizon" workout and people chose their numbers and colours and every single person came out saying that they pushed themselves that little bit more to get to the next colour band and were really proud of themselves and the motivation was there due to trying to push themselves 'Beyond the Horizon' - see what I did there?

Anyway.... This Saturday I'll be doing a "The Horizon" bootcamp again and get people to have that vigour and self confidence that they can push themselves that little extra.

So come on down join the team - pick a colour and do your best to get to the number of the team colour.

We will have fun and burn some calorie's and get it done while everyone else is asleep!


Show up

Eat Well

Be Consistent

Do your Best

  • Chris

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