Hi team
There is a wise coach out there called Pat Flynn. Check him out here He came up with a concept of a pirate map.
A pirate map is a set map and directions from getting from A to the treasure and if you follow the map, you shouldn't get lost or distracted and get to the treasure!
But you must follow the map exactly otherwise it wont work!
And along with that another clever guy called Albert Einstein said
“If you cant explain a topic to a 5 year old so they understand it, you don’t understand it either.”
So let’ use both concepts and map out our own pirate map so simply that a 5 year old understands.
The topic is how to feel fit and strong and keep body fat off.
Eat your veggies
Drink water
Eat your proteins
Lift weights to make your body look toned and ripped
Do some sort of cardio to get your heart rate up
Yeah, I think we are on to something here.
If you consistently do these things without getting distracted or lost along the way I am pretty sure your body will change for the better and your treasure will be found!