Hi team
I like bonsai trees, maybe something to do with the Karate kid when I was younger, and I love the peaceful vibe they give off. Bonsai tress don’t seem to like me. I killed one while at university, I killed one a couple of years ago. Simple stuff, not putting it in the right location for the right amount of sunlight and no watering the tree and well life got in the way! and well, in regards the uni, drinking got in the way!
When I left my old job my leaving present was another bonsai tree and my team said “for the love of god please don’t kill it! it needs watering once a week! even you can do that!”
Or so they thought…
It has been 9 months and with the recent heatwave in England the Bonsai tree suffered as it needed watering more than once a week and the room it was in was too hot in there.
I needed to change it’s environment and get back to basics and take care of it with making sure it was being watered every couple of days and move it to a room which was warm but cooler than my lounge.
I moved it to my kitchen window sunlight in the mornings and started watering the tree every 2 days, within 8 days the tree was no longer a Skelton with crusty leaves falling to their death every hour.
The bonsai tree is flourishing and has blossomed with new leaves and is alive again and looking beautiful and healthy.
It made me think about the environments we set up ourselves.
The house we live in.
The partners we choose.
The friends we have in our lives.
The job we have.
The foods in our fridges.
The hobbies we choose.
So my bonsai tree became healthy by 2 changes in it’s life, the owner (me) watered it every couple of days and moving it to a place that it can thrive.
Now, I’m not saying that you need to move house to thrive, but you may need to change what you you are surrounded by and what is holding you back.
And just like the Bonsai tree drink more water!
The choices we make that we choose to surround ourselves with and where we spend our time.
Even this has started to make me think about environments in my life.
Funny how a bonsai tree can make you think about life.
- Chris