Hi Team
Being a father does have a profound effect on you. It's a consistent thought process of role modelling and trying to figure out if expectations of myself and my children as set too high.
But I feel that the whole world seems to be lowering their standards and the culture around us is changing to the point where it seems to be okay is just good enough. I think there needs to be an army of fathers ready to keep challenging for better.
I have notepads and notes on my phone where I take notes from books, or podcasts or YouTube videos that resonate with.
I have been re-reading some of them and actually the mindset that I try and keep and the behaviours I try and role model have been with me even before I was a father.
Remember, High expectations are NOT:-
No Mistakes
No second chances
High Expectations ARE:-
Showing up
Doing your best no matter what
Doing challenging things
Keep trying
Asking for help
Showing up is being there when needed, that could be when someone needs help with a task, or it could be listening to a friend while he or she tells you about something horrible they are going through and you just shut your mouth and listen.
It is being present even when you don't want to be there. Showing up is 80% of the battle in life.
Doing your best no matter what is a variable day to day some days your best will be 1000% but life sometimes gets the way and sometimes maybe 80% but if you don't even try do your best at whatever you are doing then you are failing yourself. Try your best no matter what... sometimes your best may not be the best or better than anyone's else's but you must try.
Do Challenging Things is doing the things that is out of your comfort zone, we need to be learning and doing new things to be a better person and role model for your family, friends and work colleagues. As they say "what doesn't challenge you won't change you" But also if you don't try new things then you become stuck, lazy, and depressed. Your vibrancy is in the new things you see and learn.
Keep Trying and ask for help is don't give up, things in life will go wrong. If there is something that you are stuck on, you must keep trying to complete the task. Your problems aren't that original. Someone has written a book, posted a video or a friend has been through what ever you have been through. Go and ask for the help, and keep trying and completing that task you will feel better about yourself and role model that mental toughness like a warrior where nothing will defeat you.
- chris