Hi team
As I said yesterday I ate like crap at the effect today was horrendous, I didn't sleep well and woke up in a bad mood.
It wasnt until I ate my normal breakfast and drinking water, tea and coffee with loads of fruit.
It made me re-read some notes on how to feel energised!
Sonim posting it here as a reminder to myself and advice to you.
Back to the workout today
Clean and press 55kg
Chin ups 25kg
Deadlift 140kg
Curls 55kg
Dips 40kg up
Ab wheel
The 5 things you can do to feel energised and Ready to kick ass!
There are many ways that advertisements and marketing and social media will tell you that you can gain more energy and feel more vibrant and ready to achieve and kick ass out there in the world.
This is all about companies trying to sell you something.
Isn’t it true that sometimes life can get one top of you and you just feel BLAH!
There are 5 simple things that you can do for yourself and really feel alive and get your health and wellness back on track when feeling BLAH! And fed up.
These are 5 elements of health and wellbeing that sound too simple to others to work that many people don’t do them.
Trust me,if you can achieve good habits in these 5 area you will feel vibrant, have more energy, feel stronger, feel better and feel alive!
7-8 Hours of sleep a night.
This is an unpopular one, as people think that they can survive on 4- 5 hours a night and there will be certain times in your life where this is true, (having a new born, working shifts, or if you join the military.) but people forget that those life events are for short periods. Nobody can sustain good energy, or be in a good mood, or feel their best on a consistent sleep pattern of 4 - 5hours.
Sleep is your recovery, It is your mind and body resetting itself and can only go through a full reboot and recovery if you have 7 - 8 hours of sleep a night.
Injuries heal, hormones balance out and your cells reform to a new vibrant energied you in the morning.
Research shows that people that have 7-8 of sleep a night, suffer with less physical illness and mental health issues. People also report feeling more creative and are able to solve problems that arise faster and better than those that get less sleep.
When you have had a good night's sleep, you are ready to take on the world and make better decisions for themselves and others around them.
Everyday you need to move your body where your heart rate gets up and you get out of breath.
This could be walking, running, go to the gym, or swimming or playing sports.
You need to get your body moving for a minimum of 20 mins a day.
This needs to be something that you enjoy but every 30 days mix it up, Your body and mind love new things that challenge you.
The more you can challenge yourself with exercise, and the more you achieve goals or learn new skills through moving your body the more confidence you gain in yourself and hell, you will look toned and lose any unwanted weight !
Moving your body is like free medication to stop yourself feeling depressed or stressed or anxious. The brain releases dopamine (the happy chemical) serotonin (the positive chemical) brain derived neurotrophic factor (the chemical in your brain that helps your body change and learn new and different skills and makes your body slow down the aging process!) I mean who wants to get old!?? All this with feeling proud of yourself and looking and feeling better without any medications and drugs?!
Who wouldn't want that?
There are many ways to eat the body moving but it must be for at least 20 mins a day, 5 days a week! Giving at least 70% of your full effort with each workout.
You must have variety in your exercise, you need cardio, strength training, flexibility. This will cover the best health for your heart and lungs, muscle tone and strength, and joint and muscle recovery.
Time to call your friends and book in a gym session or a kick about in the park!
To be fit is to move your body, To be healthy you must eat the right stuff!
Food is your fuel and the stuff that helps give you the thrive and energy from within.
The rules are simple, our great grandparents had it down and again, the same with all this advice.
The old simple ways of looking at nutrition and food is the best way.
In this order:-
Eat when you are hungry not bored
Eat your vegetables first
Eat fruits, soups and salads and your protein
Eat until you are 80% full
Drink water
Treats are treats not your meals.
Or if you need a simple one sentence I always likes Micheal Pollens way of looking at it.
“Eat real food, Mostly plants, not too much.”
If you can keep your thoughts about food simple, and not get dragged into fad diets or crazy social media and hype headlines. Food becomes exciting and interesting and fun. Again, like exercise you learn new skills through cooking and confidence in your own ability proves that you can achieve great things.
There are many things we could talk about when it comes to fats, carbs, proteins and calories and all sorts.
But here I am here to tell you that if you stick to the above rules for your eating habits. Your body will thank you and you will feel like your body is thriving from the inside out.
Connection is very important to feeling energised, we are social creatures.
We need to have people around us to talk through problems, laugh, have fun, all in love and share experiences and adventures with.
A connection with your family and friends is like a spark and the fire roars forever if the connection is strong.
Your hobbies and your values will attract the best friends that will support and bring new experiences into your life.
And when you are too far away to be in the same room as family and friends, todays technology can bring you closer together. This does not mean using social media to post a photo and wait for the like to ping in your pocket.
The technology where you can video call and phone a friends where you can have that one on one chat about life, or have group video calls with all your friends can be easily done when a house party or bbq cant be.
Reaching out to strangers and saying hello in the street or helping someone with a problem they are having gives you a sense of pride and energy.
The world is seeing far too much loneliness and people not talking together or to each other and have got used to just sending emails and text messages. People have never learned how to read body language.
It it time to be different and stand out and experience people in a new but old fashioned way, by talking and listening to them and making a connection.
How do you do this?
It just starts with a Hello, How are you? My name is….
Disconnection or solitude
So here I am telling you to connect to people and makes friends and go to parties and have adventures to feel energised and kick ass! But that takes a lot of energy!
Yes, it is true, but don’t forget that, when the battery uses all it’s energy and power to make the connections it needs time to recharge.
So solitude and disconnection is also part of the equation as well. There is a balance in life. Fun and excitement and the peace and calm and relaxation.
Humans need time to sit and ponder and think about what has happened to them or what they have seen. They need time with their own thoughts and listen to them.
This doesn’t mean watching TV, or scrolling through your phone as your brain is still switched onto obsorbing mode from other influences and people.
Your brain needs to go to observing mode and process what it has obsorbed.
This solitude could be just sitting alone for 5 mins a few times a day, this could be walking to school without any distractions, or driving to work with just the radio playing softly in the background. This is enough for our brain to think, and recharge.
The balance is a balance.
Don’t spend too much time disconnected from others and if you feel that you haven’t connected with people for a long time. It will be time to connect.
If you have spent too much time with people and you feel worn out and need a break. It will be time to disconnect.