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New Challenge day 20 - The 5 truths about Exercise - The best advice I can give.

Writer's picture: Whole Happy HealthWhole Happy Health

Hi team

Life is hard and this is a quick delve into the notes I have made previously again.

I had a whole whirl of life is hard and what that means thought that I was going to write,

Then I had a thought on commitment, but as I said life is hard sometimes.

Here is my workout for day 20.

Clean and press 55kg up?

Chin ups 25kg

Deadlift 140kg

Curls 55kg

Dips 45kg

Ab wheel

The 5 Truths about Exercise

I hope for you that you always want to stay fit and healthy. I hope this as your parent so you do not ever become sick or need to rely on medication just to get through the day.

I hope this for everyone.

The founder of medicine, Hippocrates had a few quotes that I really love:-

“Health is the greatest of human Blessings”

“Even when all is known, the care of a man is not yet complete because eating alone will not keep a man well, he must also take to exercise. For food and exercise while possessing opposing qualities, yet work together to produce health.”

We can speak about food until the cows come home and we can talk about exercise until the reappear and need to go home again.

There is a whole world of fitness and exercise crazes that will take your fancy throughout you lifetime. From playing tag or hide and seek as a kid, to sports to gym work to exercise classes or whatever the newest craziest trend on the internet is showing you (or the adverts that the developer has paid for you to see 90%) of your browsing time.

I was one of the lucky ones, I always enjoyed running around and there is a competitive streak in me that enjoyed sports and playing tennis and football. (There were a few temper tantrums when I lost matches and maybe a racket that was thrown at an opponent once.)

But university changed that for me personally and I found Jack Daniels, night clubs, girls (they didn’t discover me) and I didn’t join any sports teams.

It took until 5 years after university before I really got serious about they gym. (A relationship break up) It’s amazing how many men will hit the gym after a relationship break down!

I then took me another 2 years to figure out that girls don’t really care about the size of your arms. They care about time spent with them and caring for them. (I’m sure there will be a teaching about that as well in a blog version!)

By then, I had figured out that working out and exercise wasn’t about being a bodybuilder or trying to out-bench my best friend and eat 7 meals a day. SO much food but that way of eating and working out wasn’t for me.

I found a new way of looking at it.

Gym and working out was about being fit and healthy and gaining confidence in myself as a human being.

The toned muscles and strength and endurance was a bonus!

So over the years I have tried everything and anything just to keep my interest going in the gym and working out.

I have spent hundreds of pounds on different workout programmes and books and researched everything as much as I could.

And there are 5 truths about exercise that I have learned that will save you time and money!

  1. Doing exercise sucks

Trust me, I know that working out sucks and especially at the start. We all feel like the “newbie” not sure if we are doing things right. The fact that it takes so long to feel different let alone see any difference! Doing exercise sucks! I know! I hate doing it as a well! But let’s all say this together! “DOING EXERCISE SUCKS!”

So does brushing your teeth everyday sucks, but it’s good for us.

Going to sleep sucks, but it’s good for us.

Eating fruits and veggie everyday sucks, but it’s good for us.

Organising family life sucks, but it’s good for us.

Having a bath or shower sucks, but it’s good for us.

Going to work sucks, but … wait, we have to because we need money to live, so it’s good for us.

Now, we can list a whole bunch of stuff in life that sucks but we have do things in life that sucks but we have to think about the end goal.

We don’t want or teeth to fall out,

We want to feel energised and refreshed,

We want to be healthy,

We want great family times,

We want to clean and not smelly so people will talk to us or we can attract someone we like.

We want money to buy the food and live in a house.

Same with exercise.

Exercise sucks but like our grandparents said “It’s good for you.”

You know that. You child knows that, everybody knows that.

Now say it again, exercise sucks!

But it is good for me!

  1. Movement is everything

It doesn’t matter what kind of exercise you do but doing it means that your heart, lungs, muscles and mind will thank you.

It could be a Zumba class, walking, gardening, rock climbing, biking, Thai chi, yoga,

Weight lifting, whatever!

It doesn’t really matter if you just want a basic level of fitness and not looking to change your body composition or aim to lose weight. Any kind of movement and exercise is good for you!

Physically and mentally.

You know those really annoying happy people that seem to be positive and have energy all the time. They all exercise in their own way consistently.

They tend not to look that bad either. Their eyes are bright, their skin is clear, and they have a vibe about them.

So if you aren’t looking to really looking to lose weight or get the 6 pack abs but you want to feel alive and thriving!

Move anyway you can!

  1. Eyes on the prize.

If you are looking to lose weight, get toned or bigger muscles, run that marathon, climb Everest there is a different way of looking at this whole exercise thing.

How willing are you to do what it takes to achieve your goals?

People have many goals when it comes to starting exercising. 90% of people have good intentions to exercise and go to the gym and after around 3 weeks if they don’t have a goal or see any results they quit and give up.

They have not thought about the fact that going through any exercise programme is going to be tough and hard work and there will be changes in your life you will have to make.

You will have to start planning when you are going to exercise, what kind of exercise and experiment with what you enjoy. But life will have to change if you want to exercise, or eat in a healthier way, if you get a new partner, a new job, whatever,

Remember, you can’t even have a goldfish and it not change your life.

You need to ask yourself. What is my ultimate goal to start exercising?

Lose weight?

Get strong?

Get 6 pack abs?

Be able to walk up a mountain?

Be able walk up some stairs without feeling out of breath?

Be able to play with my kids for more than 10 minutes before I need to sit down?

Be able to ski better?

Whatever it is, you need to keep you eyes on the prize, that will control your will power.

How much do I really want that prize?

How willing am I to do what it takes to achieve that goal this time around?

(I’m going to tell you a secret when I have conversations with people about food and exercise and giving them advise I can see it in their eyes if they will do what is being asked. I know the ones that will see it through and those that will realise that losing weight, getting strong or whatever is hard work, it sucks, and will give up at the 1st hurdle.)

There is a difference between just exercising to keep fit and healthy to actually wanting to change your body shape or the scales.

It is all out war with yourself and your current habits to form new ones. And it can be brutal at times.

So when people ask me ”Why do you exercise?”

I say “To be fit.”

“Fit for what?”

I say “Fit for life.”

Now I am willing to do whatever I need to to be fit for my life and the want I want for the next 100 years.

You have have to ask yourself

Are you fit for you life? And if not, How willing are you to change things to be able to do kick ass things?

People's answers will be different.

But the true answer is in your eyes.

  1. Strength training is the answer to 90% of all exercise questions.

If you want to lose weight? Strength train.

If you want to get toned? Strength train.

If you want to feel confident in your own body? Strength train.

If you want to get rid of bingo wings? Strength train?

If you want abs? Strength train

If you want to improve your endurance? Strength train.

If you want to rock climb? Strength train.

It is all about strength training. That could be Bodyweight, weights, kettlebells, chains, sandbags, ruck sacks, bricks, garden waste, plants, I don’t care.

If you want the answer. Pick something up and put it down. A lot.

Here is another secret for you boys who want bulging biceps and you girls that want nice toned legs.

Lift heavy things for 5-8 repetitions have a rest for about a minute and do that 3-5 more times.

(Oh by the way I have just saved you $97 on the next app or workout programme you were just about to buy.)

Your body needs to be challenged and that’s how it will change and the shape will go from fluffy to buffy!

Strength training is the answer to most answers to people who want to change their body.

If you are a running or going to a fitness class, or yoga and have been for years and your body hasn’t changed, it might be time to pick up some weights.

If you have been weight lifting for years, it may be time to change how you lift or what you lift.

The body will change for the better!

Oh and by the way, your joints, your bones and mental health will become stronger as well!

  1. There are only 10 exercises that all workouts programmes have.

Here you go, I’m going to save you another $100 a year.

All workouts…. all of them! No matter who is the hot looking girl or boy that is selling you the programme. No matter if it a 40 year old muscle bound body builder or a slim blonde haired 23 year old showing off her ass or abs on Instagram

There are 10 fundamental exercises that they all do and sell you

  1. Push ups/ bench press

  2. Squats - all variations

  3. Lunges - all variations

  4. Pull up/ lat pull downs

  5. Plank - all variations

  6. Running in place / jumping jacks

  7. Tricep skull crushes / tricep dips

  8. Bicep curls - all variations

  9. Shoulder press - all variations.

  10. Deadlift - all variations

Hell, I have programmes I have designed that have basically all of those in one form or another.

*My caveat to this advice is that you need to pay someone to teach to do things things well. There are so many ways to get hurt or injured or do it wrong that you won’t get the best bang for your buck if you do any of these moves incorrectly.*

What’s the the difference between each programme that anybody sells?

  1. The personality you are buying from.

  2. The way you do the exercise - could be timed - how many reptations you do - targets they set - max effort - weighted or body weight.

Here is all you need to know.

Grab a timer set it for 20 mins

And do the following

12 squats

12 push ups

12 lunges

12 pull ups

20 jumping jacks

12 tricep dips

12 bicep curls - grab something you can lift up

12 shoulder press - grab something you can lift up

12 Deadlifts

Plank for 45 seconds

Do that as many times as you can in 30 mins and only rest to get your breath back

I’m telling you, do that 3 - 4 times a week plus 2 - 3 days of RUNNING! Not jogging but RUN! You will change your body in 3 weeks.

Getting too easy for you - add weight to all exercises and increase the weights over time.

(I have just saved you a hundred pounds!) You are welcome.

But hey I sell workout programmes and fitness classes and will personally train people that really want to change and I will have variety and motivation and some amazing jokes as we workout together!

Any way you want to workout, I don’t care! Just do it but do the fundamentals right.

Hire someone to teach you and after you have learned them properly save money and get them done consistently.

The 10 moves are the fundamentals, they the starting point to move on to more fancy workouts and exercises.

Learn how to do those 10 moves correctly by a trained person and they learn how to add weight to them.

Working out is like learning a new language

And just like learning anything new

Start with the fundamentals and the basics and build around that.

That is how you master them and also save some money!

  • chris

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