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Nudge, Nudge your way to Strong and Healthy.

Writer's picture: Whole Happy HealthWhole Happy Health

Hi Team I have been speaking to someone this week about keeping fit and staying healthy. It's a conversation that always comes up when I speak to people.

The question posed was "I thought all workouts are meant to be all out make you sweat and out of breath?" This made me think. Maybe that is a general thought now, that workouts need to be all out and in your face to the point of throwing up and almost killing yourself.

The High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) years maybe part to blame as well as "Leave it all in the gym" mentality. Even some workout classes are like raves now, with no lights and strobe lighting to make you get hyped up and get the energy spiked through the roof! man, I'm nearly 40! the music is too loud! (What ?? I can't hear you!)

But that's not how life works.

If you are intense and trying to go all out, all the time. The body will give up very quickly! if not the mind first! We need to nudge the body and mind in anything we do. Workouts are about working things out, we are challenging the body one step at a time so the body learns to adapt and change over time.

Nudge, nudge.

My son is still learning life, he is 5 and when he makes a mistake when speaking or not saying a word correctly, we repeat the sentence to him softly - there is no intensity or extreme all out telling off. Every day we may repeat the same word or sentence to help him understand the word and formulate the pathways so his brain picks up and learns.

Nudge, nudge.

It is the same with working out, our body needs the repetitions and the nudges. We don't go all out all the time.

We don't go from eating only pizza and chips to the next day having steamed kale and grilled chicken.

We have to nudge, nudge.

If we don't allow our bodies to learn and adapt slowly to what we are asking it to do then when we try the extreme stuff straight away and it doesn't stick we get demotivated or worse injured meaning we won't come back and keep going.

We have to nudge, nudge.

Olympians for 4 years are nudging themselves to achieve greatness in that 15 second or 5 min performance.

Football playings are nudging and drilling tactics and skills to achieve great performances when it matters at weekends.

We, in the regular lives working 9-5 and spending time with our families we are nudging our bodies and minds to live longer and be able to say "YES!" when our children ask us to go on a bike ride with them or play tennis.

We workout and exercise and nudge so we are ready to go when needed and asked by our families.

Now, Im not saying that intense, HIIT and all out workouts don't have a place in your exercise calendar. But it doesn't have to be every workout. It is part of the overall picture.

Yes we eat healthy meals but there is a time and a place for a pizza and those croissants. But not every day.

Let the body be challenged, learn how to adapt and recover so when it matters it knows what what to do next time.

Nudge, nudge.

"Little and often over the long haul." - Coach Dan John



I have started a new workout routine weight lifting 3 days a week and will do some sort of cardio when I can on the other days.

This will be either football training or a run or practising my new bootcamp class on myself to make sure that it works for the weekend warriors that attend at 0800hrs on a Saturday morning!


What are you listening to?

I posted this band last week, but I went to see them live a couple of weeks ago and they blew me away.

This guys voice is killer.

This is the Red Clay Strays - Drowning


Take care of yourself!

  • Chris

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