There is one and only one simple rule to achieve your goals throughout this programme.
I can’t explain how important this rule is and it is so simple that it is ridiculous!
It is the one rule that all coaches of sports athletes and celebrity trainers that smacks you in the face that it is so simple!
Here we go….
That’s it.
It’s over, I cant really tell you more than that.
This means you will show up for your workout no matter how you feel, no matter how long you have, no matter what has happened during the day.
If you show up you already beat 90% of the competition.
It doesn’t matter how you are feeling or if you have the worst workout not lifting as much weight as you did last week. The fact that you showed up and did something to challenge yourself means that you DID IT.
Yes, you can complain, yes you will not feel like doing it.
There is a misconception that you must enjoy every single workout and smile and bounce off the walls when working out. But this is the real world that we live in.
There will be times where you don’t feel like working out,
There will be times when your mind will wonder during the workout or you will not have the energy.
That is life.
Have you ever got home and felt like you just don’t want to walk through the door as you will be met with a hectic household with kids running around, the lounge and kitchen untidy? You look at the door and think I could do one more lap around the town or turn and maybe even go back to work! But you don’t because you have to SHOW up for your partner and children.
Have you ever bought a fitness programme before and for 2 – 3 weeks you did it every day and you started to see results but life got in the way and you thought “oh well I got some results so I can ease off now or stop.” Then for the next 3 weeks you see the weight on the scales start creeping up? The body looking a little more jiggly? That’s because you stopped showing up.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t complete the whole workout but if you can do 20 mins because that day that's all you have time for and you give it the BEST you can on that day. (That changes from day to day) that will be better than most people on planet earth who are still eating popcorn, smoking weed and watching Netflix.
Do you want to change your life for the better?
Do you want to make this the last fitness programme you ever need to buy?
Do you want the results that you deserve so you can be a role model for your friends and family?
Do you want to the the kind of person that says “I bought this and I completed it, and I finally feel proud of myself for actually completing something that was tough and challenging.”
Do you want to be that happy healthy lean toned person that can show people what you are made of?
Do you want to be the kind of person that won’t make excuses when someone asks you to go for a hike, or a bike ride or a 5k?
It is time to really believe in yourself and follow one rule every day.