Parks and Recreation is a great TV show - (you can stream on one of the streaming services I'm sure)
It's a show about a government department working with the members of public and the craziness of people.
But overall it is a show about friendship.
There is a character on the show named Ron Swanson. He is a down to the earth guy who likes a simple life and thinks the government shouldn't exsist even though he works for the government and is head of the Parks and Rec department.
Throughout the 6 seasons or so - Ron has some gems of advice for life, work and friendship.
So here are some of them.
Nobody has the right answers in parenting, that won't be the last mistake you make. But a man who is this worried about making the right choices cares very much. That's all that matters.
Never half-ass two things - Whole-ass one thing. - Commit yourself 100%
There has never been a sadness that can not be cured by breakfast food.
Crying - acceptable at funerals and the Grand Canyon.
What makes a good person good? A good person does something bad, They own up to it, try and learn something from it and move on.
You have fallen into a classic trap - You have been trying to fix a womens problem rather than listening to what they are.
When you have a fish on the line you don't drag him behind the boat. You either reel him in or cut him loose - especially if he is a nice fish.
Defeating Hangovers - Cook a flank steak with pepper and butter and go to bed with wet socks.
Live your life how you want, but don't confuse drama with happiness.
It's always good to demonstrate to co-workers that you can withstand a tremendous amount of pain.